
2019 Credit Repair Guide

A trusted credit repair company can help you with debt management

Bad credit can ruin not only your reputation but also your life. Without a good credit score you cannot get access to the best loan products and the best interest rates. Most banks and lenders will shy away from you and you will be left to deal with loan sharks that will put you into more debt. The solution is to rein in your expenses and perform credit repair so you can manage debt more efficiently and will result in a better credit score. Here is the 2019 guide to credit repair.

Get the Collection Calls To Stop

Credit repair: Get the Collection Calls To Stop

The biggest challenge most people have when it comes to tackling credit repair is just getting the strength to begin the process. When debt collectors are constantly harassing you it can be quite difficult if not impossible to move and begin. What you are going to do is to write formal letters to collection agencies to make an official request that all communications with you should be done via mail only. This will give you the necessary breathing room as well as establishing a paper trail that you can take advantage of when beginning credit repair. You also get the chance and the energy for that matter to deal with your finances on your own terms without having to have a panic attack each time your cellphone rings. Begin by getting control of your credit collection so you can get on the correct path to having better credit.

Review Current Financial Situation

Credit repair - Review Current Financial Situation

Knowing where you stand is a good gauge and an amazing way to getting your credit repair campaign started. Get a free credit report from each of the three major credit organizations: Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. If you have been denied credit or employment because of you credit file, you also can get a free credit history report even if you already got one previously in the same year.

Check for Correctness

Once you have the report, read and understand its contents. Check to see if all the listed information is correct. Keep in mind that a lot of aspects go into computing your current FICO score. Sometimes there is outdated or erroneous information on the report that could cause your score to go down more. Alternatively, you might discover missing good information that can help increase your score for the better such as a lower loan balance. By updating or adding the right information on the report, your score can get better.

Checklist for Report Accuracy

Incorrect Amounts Owed – This refers to amount owed that is listed erroneously resulting in a report that does not accurately reflect amount of credit used. High use of credit will have an adverse effect on your score.

Wrong Account – If you have no memory of a debt there is a chance that it might not have been yours in the first place. All unknown debt should be scrutinized.

Erroneous Delinquencies – Refers to items listed as being paid late even though you paid them on time. Any late payment will have a negative effect on your credit score.

Inaccurate Reporting of Collection Accounts – Some collection companies are unscrupulous enough for placing information on a credit report for the purpose of extorting money from unwary people. Be careful of this.

Duplicate Collection Accounts – A debt or account should only be listed once. If the report shows it was listed several times by the same group or by competing groups, all but a single listing should be removed.

Wrong Judgment Information – If a judgment has been erroneously listed, it should be investigated. Judgments can hurt your credit score or dampen your chances of securing a loan. Any wrong information regarding the judgment may be disputed, even if most of the info is accurate.

Look for Zombie Debt

Credit repair - look for zombie debt

When running through your credit report, do pay special notice to the dates and check that any current negative items are still eligible to be listed on your account. Re-aged accounts can be listed with more recent dates that are not correct. Truth be told, this is a common practice of debt collectors in order to force you to pay for a debt that is past the reporting limit. In some situations, the statute of limitations have already come and gone on these debt collections in your area of residence. In instances like these, the best solution would be to dispute the debt as paying it would have little or no impact on your score. Moreover, the credit bureaus are only interested in information that is verifiable and accurate.

Hire A Professional Credit Repair Company

Hire a credit repair company to help your with your debt management

If you think doing credit repair all by yourself is something you do not have the time or knowledge to pursue. Talk to a credit repair company so you can take a load off your chest and let the professionals do the heavy lifting for you.

Repairing credit does not happen overnight. However, with the right guidance and discipline on your part you can make it work and achieve a score you can be proud of.…

What is CBD and What are Its Health Benefits?

Health benefits of CBD products and Where to Buy

There are several CBD Health Benefits. From research, it has been noted that CBD is very effective in treating different health complications. Due to the many health benefits associated with CBD, many countries are regulating it. If you suffer from health complications such as seizures and chronic pain, it can be used to achieve great relief. Unlike other medicines, it can help in treating chronic pain and it will not expose you to adverse side effects. There are several tests which have been carried out and they all confirm CBD has several health benefits. Some of the common health benefits of CBD include the following:

CBD Can Help With Pain Relief

CBD oil interacts with receptors in the immune and the brains system which leads to pain relieving. You may be exposed to pain due to different reasons. Even pain which has become chronic, you can easily manage it through application of CBD. It is also effective in reducing inflammation which can contribute greatly towards relieving your pain. Some health complications such as injury during sports can expose you to chronic pain. Application of CBD has been proved to be very effective in dealing with different types of pain.

CBD Has Anti-Seizure Properties

Rapid fluctuations of electrical activity in the brain lead to seizures. From research, it has been noted that administering CBD can be a great way to deal with seizures. There are several people out there who have been affected by seizures, the anti-seizure properties of CBD makes it a great way to deal with seizures.

CBD Can Combat Anxiety

Anxiety can lead to different health complications. There are several causes of anxiety which can affect the lives of your loved ones. Research has been carried out and it has concluded that use of CBD can play a great role in helping you combat anxiety. You can end up dropping your productivity level if you have been affected by anxiety. There are active ingredients in CBD which have been proved to be highly effective in helping you manage anxiety.

Here is a great video that talks about the benefits of CBD to check out.

CBD Has Properties That Can Fight Cancer

CBD has several ingredients. One of the ingredients in CBD is known to be anti-tumor. If you have been affected by cancer, you can use CBD to manage it. It can as well act as an anti-cancer measure. You can easily stop the spread of cancer cells to other parts of your body if you start using CBD. From research, it has been noted that application of CBD can play a great role in helping you get rid of different cancer related health complications.

Some Say CBD Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

Research indicates that CBD oil is effective in reducing chances of developing diabetes. It is also effective in helping you maintain healthy weight due to its effect in improving your metabolism rate. Diabetes can affect your life in several ways. If you can apply CBD, it will contribute greatly towards avoiding the effects of diabetes. Apart from reducing the risk of developing diabetes, it is also effective in making you enjoy several other health benefits.

CBD at Night Improves Quality of Sleep

There are some factors which can lead to poor sleep. When your sleep is affected, it leads to different health complications. In order to improve your sleep, you need to try CBD. It has active ingredients which will help in getting rid of stress and anxiety hence allows you to relax and sleep. If you can have enough sleep, then you will enjoy good health because sleep allows you to rest.

CBD Protects Against Bone Diseases

You may be affected by different bone disease. For example, if you have been exposed to broken bone or bone issues, the application of CBD oil plays a great role in making your bone develop in a healthy way. It is among the CBD health benefits which are less discussed.

CBD Ointments Can Protect and Heal the Skin

There are different skin complications. You can apply CBD oil topically and it will play a great role in maintaining healthy skin. It is a powerful antioxidant which can get rid of different free radicals on your skin which may be exposing you to different health complications. If you suffer from skin complications related to genetics, then you can help in improving the skin through application of CBD oil. It is an effective antioxidant you can apply to get rid of different health complications related to the skin.

Tips for Buying CBD Products

Most CBD products readily available today are derived from Hemp and are perfectly legal to purchase. CBD that is derived from Marijuana and has THC in it has different regulations. Finding hemp based CBD products is fairly easy through multiple online stores. Not all CBD products are created equal though and there are many different ways of producing CBD products. So you may want to do a little research first.

Of course here at Mom Tried It we have done some of this research for you! Here are some of the top CBD product sites that have high quality products and we are comfortable recommending.

  • Bluebird Botanicals
  • Just CBD
  • Infinite CBD
  • Mission Farms CBD

One other thing you will find is that CBD products can be a little more on the expensive side. However there are many CBD coupons and discounts to help you save some money. One of our favorite sites is for CBD coupons. They have exclusive offers and deals and we find they tend to get you the highest savings.…

Best Options For Washing And Baby Laundry Detergent

Babies always need the utmost care and everything that surround them too need a lot of care. This is the same for their clothes too!

And we tell you everything you need to know about baby laundry detergent, clothes aires and washing lines. Babies always need that special attention, and this is the same, when it comes to their clothes. Babies are very sensitive to their environment and have a week immune system, thus parents should take utmost care, when they are handling babies and everything related to them.

Normal detergent often does not suit the baby’s skin, and they tend to develop rashes all the time. This is why special detergents for babies are available in the market, and one should use them to make their baby feel good. Babies have a very soft skin and they might not be able to resist the harsh chemicals in the normal detergent. Detergents developed for the babies have lower chemicals and are softer to clothes. This does not harm the clothes as well as they baby’s skin.

Sometimes you will notice, that your baby is developing very dry skin. This is because of the harsh chemicals on their clothes and the detergents used to wash them. These chemicals react with the baby’s soft skin and make the skin very dry. With baby detergent you might not feel the same as they are milder and will not harm the skin.

Baby detergent also comes in a soft scented versions, which will keep the clothes from dust and other harmful bacteria in the air. Baby will also love the product and so will the parents. These detergents also work as a deodorant for your baby. Sometimes, these detergents are not enough to remove really tough stains from the baby’s clothes, thus you might need a pretreatment on the stains before putting them for wash.

A baby’s clothes are made for the baby and hence will also be of a softer material. Thus a normal detergent while washing may harm your baby’s clothes and make them faded in even less than 6 months. But the baby detergent is mild on the clothes and will not spoil it for a long time.

There are a lot of baby detergents available in the market, and parents can choose them, reading reviews about them on the internet, or on the back of the product cover. Though there are a few brands which are famous for baby clothes washing, yet there is lot of other undiscovered brands available in the market. All you have to do is choose something which will suit your baby.

Sometimes even if you use baby laundry detergents, you might notice your baby having the same problem as that of the normal detergent. Then it is best to change the detergent. Babies are prone to all sorts of allergies, and one will not know what might suit them, unless they are ok with it. Thus you need to see what suits your baby best and then continue the product. Consulting a doctor for laundry detergents is also a good option.…

Baby Care Tips for Nursing Mothers

It doesn’t matter whether you have had three or four kids or this is your first, the excitement that you will feel will be something special for sure. To have someone so small and fragile that is utterly dependent on you, even more so when you are nursing is a tremendous responsibility, and is something that usually scares you almost as much as it excites you.

No doubt you will have spent the last number of months nesting, that is preparing your home for the imminent arrival of your new born baby. However, even the best prepared will still need some last minute supplies and so check the discounts in our Medela Electric Breast Pump Review article.

We think that you will be pleased with the additional information about Medela electric breast pumps, and the discounted prices and coupons that are currently available from some of the online retailers.



Car Rental Tips – Insurance And Gas Options

Car Rentals Filling Up at Gas Station

You might be looking to get away for the holidays. Maybe travel to another country. Also you may be on a business trip no behalf of your company. During your travels you may need a car for mobility purposes. Also a car may be a prerequisite due to the nature of your business in the said location. Because of the same often people turn to car rental services in order to acquire a car on short term basis. An option that is appealing to most.

However, you do need to worry when renting a car. Some companies may exploit your ignorance through some hidden charges that end up blowing the estimated cots of the rental right out of the water. You need to be smart when renting a car. The following are car rental tips on how to be money-wise:

Research Car-Rental Agencies Prior

There are major international car-rental agencies all over the world. And they offer good cars at fairly competitive rates. However, depending on where you are traveling, the local agencies could offer lower rates. Check into the local agencies, such as the awesome folks at Eastex Auto Rental – car rentals in Beaumont TX, and do some research to see whether they meet the quality of the international car-rental agencies. If so you should consider renting with them as opposed to the international agencies.

Also check on the availability of lower rates for major international and national organizations, flier programs and credit card programs that you might be a member of. Frequently they offer discounts for the same. You might find exclusive discount rates as an employee of certain companies.

Hidden Costs: Insurance and Gas Costs

One should seriously beware of hidden costs when renting a car. The costs you see displayed in big print may not be the actual costs of renting the car. Hidden additional costs may inflate the costs of renting by as much as 200 percent. The advertised rate may be very irrelevant. Costs such as local taxes (Value Added Tax), insurance bills and gasoline bills may inflate the advertised cost to unexpected values. You may even end up paying double of the price you bargained for. The following are the two main costs you are likely to encounter and how to circumnavigate around them to avoid being exploited for every nickel and dime:

Insurance Costs

This is one of the most common extra charge of car rental agencies. For some extra dollars you are relieved of any liability due to damages on the vehicle. Unless found guilty of gross negligence. Insurance is an option in numerous stares in the U.S although in a few it is compulsory and inbuilt in the cost of renting the car. Prior to purchasing the insurance policy check your own insurance. It might cover insurance in a rental car. If it does there is no need whatsoever to purchase the extra insurance. Also, your credit card may provide insurance for the same if you paid for the rental using your credit card. However these policies may have limitations and restrictions on the coverage they offer. These limitations may force you to reconsider your stand on purchasing the extra insurance. An accident in a rental car could affect your existing car insurance policy. If you are not comfortable with the extra risk you may reconsider purchasing the extra insurance as it may be worth it.

Your best bet with insurance costs is to check with your current insurance policy. If you are comfortable with it there is no need to acquire the extra insurance.

Gasoline Charges

You may find yourself paying extra premium costs due to returning the rental car with an empty tank. This may make you want to fill up the tank before returning the car thus resulting in extra gas costs that you did not anticipate for. The smart move is to go to a company the offers the option of purchasing a full tank with your package. This means you can return the car with as much or as little fuel as you want. You will be offered no discount however on unused fuel. You would best do some shopping on your own. This way you can acquire the car on low to no fuel and purchase fuel with a better price per gallon on your own so that you do not pay the premiums of returning the car with an empty tank.


It would be best to put these tips to mind the next time you may require a rental car so that you can save on hidden costs that may result in over inflated costs that could blow your budget.…

Why Do Manufacturer’s of Baby Products Consider a Mom’s Perspective of Product and Service Reviews?

Mothers are always in the look out of the best products for their babies but most of the times it become difficult for them to get the right products. it often gets very difficult for mothers to choose baby products mainly because of the competition in this field and also because of the harmful chemicals used in the products. Therefore, if you are a company that is into manufacturing baby products then it is essential for you to consider a mom’s perspective of product and service reviews.

What can be Done?

If you want proper visibility for the product and service reviews that you offer for the baby products that you manufacture then the very first thing that you need to do is maintain a very strong panel of mothers. This is because mothers are always able to understand the needs of babies and therefore if there are mothers in a panel for baby products, then it might surely be of good help for the manufacturers. The experts working in the baby product manufacturing companies should always take the product and service reviews from mothers into account regarding the products that they manufacture. This will probably help the company in improvising its services and in getting better with its manufacturing procedure.

  • The Importance of a Mother’s Perspective on Product and Service Reviews

    There is great significance of a mom’s perspective of product and service reviews aimed towards selling baby products. Mothers granting their approval of a baby product review can help in increasing the sale of a said product which would further turn out to be beneficial for the manufacturers.

Looking for Baby Products Online

Mothers not only need to shop for baby products in order to get the best things for their babies but they also need to do so in case they are invited for baby showers or they need to buy a gift for someone else’s baby.

 Whatever might be the case, it is always beneficial to shop for baby products online. This is because, the internet is the one and the only place where you can easily get some of the best product and service 

reviews coming straight from a mother’s point of view. There are many online websites that deal in offering genuine and useful baby product reviews that are meant to work for all those mothers who are in the look 

out of getting the best products for their babies. Such mothers always try their level best in getting hold of sites that provide genuine reviews of products and services coming straight from the perspective of a mother.

Why go for Online Shopping

of Baby Products?

Online shopping for baby products is beneficial because it helps mothers in getting hold of things that the other experienced mothers have chosen for their babies. The mothers do this by going though the reviews of products and services that have been approved by the other experienced mothers. This further helps in saving a huge amount of money that otherwise gets wasted buying the wrong products. this also avoids the mothers from running from one shop to another looking for the best baby products while having no idea of their quality or their price.You can follow

How do Mom’s Choose the Best Baby Products?

Mom’s make the choice of the best baby products by going through a large number of baby products available online and then coming to the conclusion. From a mom’s point of view and especially the mom of the present generation, the products and service reviews available online can always be of the most useful deciding factors in choosing baby products that can turn out to be beneficial for the babies. Mother’s these days rely on the products and service reviews online for making the choice of the products that would best suit their babies.

How do Mother’s Get Hold of the Right Product and Service Reviews?

As per a mother’s perspective, the best product and service reviews are the ones that provide complete information about the benefits and the major functionalities offered by a certain product meant for the baby. Mothers always make it a point to only use the most reliable websites known for offering top quality, informative and decisive tools in the form of product and service reviews. This way the mothers of this generation do not leave a single stone unturned in providing the best products and services to their babies. They have the knowledge and the expertise needed for going through different review sites and deciding on the best.Read more

If you are a mother looking to make some money online at home be sure to check out our Best Small Business Web Hosting resource page.